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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Influence of various biologically active additives in compound feed for laying hens on the transformation of energy and protein in the chain feed egg melange
Dimo Penkov, Svetlana Grigorova
Резюме: The effect of the inclusion of various plant supplements (grape marc, tagetes, rosehip, nettle and artichoke) rich in biologically active substances in the compound feed for laying hens by the indica tors Clark’s energy distribution (KED) and Clark’s protein transformation (CPT) on the degree of transformation of energy and protein in the eco-technological chain “feed – egg melange” has been investigated. All tested additives, except 0.5% rose hip fruits, have significant effect on the studied parameters. At basic values to the melange of the control group (KED and CPT) – 0.1950 and 0.2485 respectively, highest transformation of energy and protein was shown by the group with the addition of 0.3% artichoke – 0.2023 and 0.2521, respectively, and lowest – the group with 0.5% rose hips (0.1816 and 0.2283 respectively).
Ключови думи: biological active additives; Clarc of energy distribution; Clarc of protein transformation; layers
Дата на публикуване: 2021-02-26
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