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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Вариабилност на общия белтък в кръвен серум на овце ІІ. Сезонна изменчивост , Взаимодействие на по родната и сезонната диференциация
Резюме: The effect of the seasonal differentiation of the level of total protein in sheep blood serum was analyzed. The role of the interaction of breed appurtenance and season in the structure of variability of the parameter discussed was evaluated. Three hundred and ninety eight animals of four breeds (Awassi, East Friesian, Pleven black-headed, Romanov) and Syntetic population Bulgarian Dairy sheep were included in the experiment. The blood samples were taken in April, July, November and February. The level of total protein was determined by Lowry et al.(1961). A very important effect of the season was registered for Awassi and Pleven black-headed breeds (59.86 and 60.57%). The basic part of the total factor’s effect for the two evaluated sources of variation of the parameter discussed was associated with breed dynamics (25.27%, P<0.001) and the interaction of both factors (19.91%, P<0.001)
Ключови думи: породи; взаимодействие на двата фактора; сезони; овча кръв; източници на вариации; общ протеин
Дата на публикуване: 2023-03-07
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