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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Yovka Popova, Tsonka Odjakova, Stayka Laleva, Petya Slavova, Verginia Gaydarska
Abstract: The rate of profitability of rearing of the Bulgarian Rhodopes cattle in the Experimental Station of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (ESAAH) - Smolian was analysed. The object of this study was the cattle farm at the ESAAH where 103 cows and 97 calves and heifers of the Bulgarian Rhodopes cattle are reared.
The animals were reared in the barn and on the pasture. The necessary forages for feeding the animals were purchased. The feeding was according to the productivity, physiological stage and the age of the animals. Replacement was with own production heifers. Milking was carried out with a central milk line, cleaning - with a chain-plate transporter, and supplying of the forages - with a forage trailer. The income and expenses were estimated on the basis of the ruling prices. It was found that the rearing of animals of the Bulgarian Rhodopes cattle is economically advisable under the operating conditions and financing of the cattle farm at the ESAAH, Smolian.
Keywords: cow; incomes; rate of profitability
Date published: 2023-01-26
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