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Effect of Apple Pectin Supplementation on Productivity and Some Blood Parameters in Fattening Pigs
Gergana Yordanova
Abstract: A scientific and economic experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Institute – Shumen, with fattening pigs of the Danube White breed. The duration of the experiment was 36 days. The animals were divided into two groups (control and experimental) of 13 animals, fed and bred in individual pens. Apple pectin was added to the feed of the pigs in the experimental group in the amount of 7 g per capita daily. The experiment started at an average live weight of 58.317 kg–58.846 kg and ended at 101.000 kg–100.831 kg, respectively, for the pigs of the control and experimental groups.
The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of apple pectin supplementation on
productivity, health status and some blood parameters in fattening pigs.
Supplementation of 7 g of apple pectin per capita daily in compound feeds of fattening pigs had no positive effect on pig growth rate and feed utilization. Pigs receiving a supplement of 7 g per capita daily of apple pectin in the daily ration had 12.02% lower fat thickness measured at x2 point and 2.1% greater thickness in m. long. dorsi. The inclusion of apple pectin increased the number of lymphocytes by 7.162 G/L and reduces the levels of piglycerides and ”bad cholesterol”, with a direct impact on the immune defense and the health status of the circulatory system.
Keywords: apple pectin; blood; fat thickness; fattening pigs
Date published: 2022-12-21
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