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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Semen Quality Parameters of Three Duck Genotypes in the Humid Tropics
Abel O. Oguntunji, Adetola O. Oladejo, Mathew O. Ayoola, Lopemi O. Oriye, Ifeoluwa M. Egunjobi
Abstract: Semen quality parameters are central to the assessment of the breeding value of male animals in respect of their suitability for breeding purposes and evaluation of their reproductive performances. Semen samples collected from the epididymis of five (5) adult males each of Muscovy, Mallard and their intergeneric hybrid Mule ducks were analysed for their semen quality indices (mass motility, percentage motility, semen concentration, live/dead ratio, percentage normal and abnormal sperm morphology). The result of the analysis of variance indicated significant (P < 0.05) genotype effect on all the semen parameters and absence of sperm cells in the semen of the Mule ducks. Muscovy duck had significant (P < 0.05) higher mass motility, individual motility and sperm concentration than Mallard and Mule ducks while percentage live/dead ratio, normal and abnormal sperm morphology were similar (P > 0.05) for Muscovy and Mallard ducks. The absence of sperm cells in the semen of the male Mule ducks is a pointer to their sterility. Though genetic variation influenced some semen quality parameters of Muscovy and Mallard ducks; nevertheless, semen from the two waterfowl genotypes is suitable for breeding purposes either for backyard or commercial duckling production.
Keywords: Breeding value, Sperm morphology, Sterility; Ducks; Epididymis; Sperm Quality Parameters
Date published: 2019-12-04
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