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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Complex evaluation of mulberry varieties from SEAS Vratsa Gene Bank (Morus spp. L.), introduced from Azerbaijan
Zdravko Petkov, Panomir Tzenov, Yolanda Vasileva
Abstract: In this paper is presented the evaluation of ten varieties from the National mulberry gene bank of
populations, introduced from Azerbaijan, namely Azeri tut; Azerbaidjan 20; Emin tut; Zarif tut; Surh; Jacub tut; Firudin tut; Singets; AzNIISh 7; Gezal; Kamil and Hanlar. Varieties evaluation was done with the subordinate function (SFi), evaluation (Ei) index methods, and varieties ranking applying the total cumulative index method. Used statistical methods allow to find the varieties with the highest ecological plasticity and productive values, and using them in further selection programs and for feeding silkworms into practice. Kamil, AzNIISh 7 and Hanlar varieties are the most perspective for silkworm rearing in spring season under the Bulgarian climate conditions.
Keywords: complex evaluation; ecological plasticity; Morus spp.; mulberry; varieties
Date published: 2017-02-09
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