Black soldier fly larvae as animal feed
Ishaya Usman Gadzama

Abstract: Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae (BSFL) are a promising alternative to traditional animal feed sources due to their high nutritional value, including protein (8-60% DM), fat (18-40% DM), essential amino acids, minerals, and lauric acid, which has antimicrobial properties. The nutritional content of BSFL varies depending on the rearing substrate. Incorporating BSFL into the diets of various livestock species has led to improvements in growth performance, feed efficiency, product quality, and potentially animal welfare. The significance of BSFL in animal agriculture stems from the increasing demand for animal protein, which is expected to double by 2030, leading to a feed gap that BSFL can help address. BSFL farming offers a cost-effective and sustainable solution by converting organic waste into high-quality biomass, aligning with circular economy principles. However, further research is needed to better understand the effects of BSFL supplementation on animal responses, as a replacement for conventional feed sources like fish meal and soybean meal, which are costly, limited in supply, and environmentally impactful. This research will contribute to the development of more sustainable and efficient livestock production systems.
Keywords: animal feed; animal performance; black soldier fly larvae; insect protein; nutritional composition; rearing substrate
Citation: Gadzama, I. U. (2025). Black soldier fly larvae as animal feed. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 62(1), 48-64.
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| Date published: 2025-02-26
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