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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Comparison infrared thermography of Balkan donkeys
Petar Stamberovorcid, Kalin Hristovorcid, Aleksandar Stoimenovorcid, Viktoria Marinchevaorcid, Mina-Maria Marinova
Abstract: Infrared thermography is an increasingly popular diagnostic method in equine veterinary medicine, while its application in donkeys remains relatively limited. The aim of this study was to determine the surface body temperature of six clinically healthy female donkeys of the breed Balkan donkey. The donkeys` bodies were divided into the following regions: neck, shoulder, thoracic limb, back, thigh and pelvic limb and were laterally scanned on both the left and right sides. Only the abdomens of the donkeys were scanned individually from the ventral side of the body. The mean surface temperature of each region was calculated revealing approximately bilateral thermal symmetry in the donkeys' bodies. Similar studies may be useful for donkey health and welfare given the renewed interest in donkeys as milking and companion animals.
Keywords: Balkan donkey; body surface temperature; infrared thermography; welfare
Citation: Stamberov, P., Hristov, K., Stoimenov, A., Marincheva, V. & Marinova, M.-M. (2025). Comparison infrared thermography of Balkan donkeys. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 62(1), 38-41.
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Date published: 2025-02-26
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