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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Socioeconomic features of geese rearing in randomly chosen local government areas of Oyo State in Southwest Region of Nigeria in Africa
Ewuola Emmanuel Olubisiorcid, Akinbolagbe O. Odunayo, Akinbola E. Toluwaniorcid
Abstract: This research documented comprehensive information on the socio-economic characteristics of geese rearing in Oyo State of Nigeria in Africa. A descriptive cross-sectional design was used for this study. Quantitative data were collected using a semi-structured interviewer-administered questionnaire. The study population was geese farmers across the selected local governments in Oyo State. Findings revealed that out of the geese farmers interviewed, most (88.1%) were Yoruba tribe and males (78.3%), while 21.7% were females. More than half of the geese farmers (53.3%) were between 40 and 49 years old and had obtained tertiary education (33.3%). Most of the geese farmers (57.4%) acknowledged they recorded the weight of their male and female geese regularly while 73.7% acknowledged they regulated the light made available for the geese. Many of the interviewed farmers (55.6 %) also reported that they faced challenges during geese reproduction. Respondents’ opinions on the major constraints faced in geese production revealed that theft of geese and low profit remain the prime constraints faced while engaging in geese production. This was followed by a Reptile attack, then a high mortality rate. Production taboo and consumption taboo were the fifth and sixth weighted constraints, respectively. It was concluded that geese are raised mostly by male farmers on free range. The greatest constraint for geese farmers were theft and low profit. Geese farmers must therefore improve their production strategies to increase the performance of reared geese and maximize profit.
Keywords: economic characterization; geese production; geese profitability; social characterization
Citation: Ewuola, E. O., Akinbolagbe, O. O. & Akinbola E. T. (2024). Socioeconomic features of geese rearing in randomly chosen local government areas of Oyo State in Southwest Region of Nigeria in Africa. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 61(4), 56-66.
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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