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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Relationship between morphometric parameters and oocyte competence of Sus Scrofa
Hristina Blagovaorcid, Desislava Abadjievaorcid, Rossen Stefanovorcid
Abstract: The aim of the current study was to establish whether morphometrically analysis (weight and size) of the porcine ovaries affects the quality of oocytes. Twenty-one ovaries were measured by – weight (gr), length (cm), and width (cm) and divided into three groups (n=7). We also compared oocyte diameter (including ZP, excluding ZP and thickness of ZP), according to ovarian weight between groups. Twenty COCs from each group of ovaries were tested in BCB solution. It was found that in the values between the weight of the ovaries and their dimensions, a significant difference was observed between groups 1 and 3 regarding the length of the ovary (P<0.01). The width of the second group was significant greater than the ovaries of group one (P<0.01). The analysis of oocytes (n=14) from each group showed that in the first group, the percentage of BSB positively stained oocytes was the highest (70%) compared to the other two groups where the positive oocytes were 60 % and 30% for 2 and 3 group, respectively. Our study indicates that the morphometric parameters are not always related to the oocyte quality namely that small ovaries (<5gr) also show good oocyte competence by BCB staining and we concluded that smaller ovaries can be used as a research model too.
Keywords: morphometric analysis; oocytes; porcine ovaries
Citation: Blagova, H. Abadjieva, B. & Stefanov, R. (2024). Relationship between morphometric parameters and oocyte competence of Sus Scrofa. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 61(4), 12-16
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Date published: 2024-08-27
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