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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Variability of the total protein in sheep blood serum І. Trends in breed changeability
Krasimir Boychev, Katya Tsenova
Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine the trends in breed changeability of the total protein level in blood serum of sheep and to evaluate the role of breed appurtenance in the variability of the parameter discussed. The experiment was conducted with 398 sheep of four breeds (Awassi, East Friesian, Pleven blackheaded, Romanov) and crossbreedings of the Synthetic Population Bulgarian Dairy sheep. The blood samples were taken in April, July, November and February. The level of total protein was determined by Lowry et al.(1961). The effect of the factor discussed was evaluated by the coefficients of interclass correlation. The mean level of total protein in blood serum of the sheep varies from 67.25 g/l (Romanov breed) to 88.23 g/l Pleven black-headed sheep). A very important effect of the breed appurtenance was registered in autumn (58.38%, P<0.001) and in winter (65.44%, P<0.001).
Keywords: breed variability; seasonal effect.; sheep blood serum; total protein
Date published: 2023-03-06
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