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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Effectiveness of applying different methods of molecular genetics in swine selection (A review)
Katya Eneva, Apostol Apostolov
Резюме: The rapid development of molecular genetics in the last two decades, primarily related to the technological breakthrough in the field of genome sequencing of higher organisms, has made it possible to apply new models of work. The term (MAS – Marker Assisted Selection) was first introduced in the literature in 1986 (Tautz, D., 1986; Jung, Y., 1989; Spötter, A., 2001; Rothschild, M., 2003). Marker selection uses a DNA marker to increase the efficiency of selection work, which is based on the identification of a series of nucleotides (markers) for the studied selection trait. This approach is widely used in breeding programs as a methodological technique for intensifying the selection process (Varshney, R. et al., 2005; Nanuwong, N. and Bodhisuwan, W., 2014). A necessary condition for (MAS) is the presence of a molecular marker. Such a marker can be any fragment of DNA that is used to detect polymorphisms and is closely related to the gene responsible for the manifestation of the trait (Rothschild, M., 2007).
Ключови думи: genetic markers; MAS; swine, selection
Дата на публикуване: 2023-02-27
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