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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Assessment of the reproductive performance of wallowed and non-wallowed geese at high temperature humidity index during breeding season and
Emmanuel Olubisi Ewuola, Elizabeth Toluwani Akinbo, Julius Oyewale, Aminat Ogundele
Резюме: Twenty-four geese (12 males and 12 females) were used to conduct a study on the reproductive performance of wallowed and non-wallowed geese at high temperature humidity index during breeding season. Each sex of the geese was randomly divided into 2 treatment groups (wallowed group and non-wallowed group) of 2 replicates with 3 geese per replicate. Semen was collected from each gander and analysed twice: 2 weeks post-wallowing and 4 weeks post-wallowing, for semen volume, mass activity, spermatozoa motility, live to dead ratio and spermatozoa concentration. Also, data on the egg production of the geese in each treatment group were recorded appropriately for a period of 5 weeks. The wallowing effect showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) in all the semen quality parameters. Their values ranged from 0.52 ± 0.24–0.53 ± 0.25 mL, 56.50 ± 15.70–62.33 ± 7.70%, 50.58 ± 15.70–53.11 ± 9.05%, 84.86 ± 12.90–86.00 ± 12.90% and 115 ± 133 x 106–223 ± 15.6 x 106 sperm cells/mL respectively for the semen volume, mass activity, motility, live to dead ratio and concentration.
However, the post-wallowing time effect indicated a significant difference (P < 0.05) in only the semen volume amidst all the parameters. Higher volume was recorded at 2 weeks post wallowing – PW1 (0.68 ± 0.21 mL) as compared to 4 weeks post wallowing – PW2 (0.36 ± 0.11). The interaction effect of wallowing and post wallowing time also showed a significantly (P < 0.05) higher volume (0.70 ± 0.21 mL) at 4 weeks than at 2 weeks (0.35 ± 0.06 mL) for the non-wallowed group. There was a strong negative correlation between pulse rate and rectal temperature with a correlation coefficient of 0.32, while the correlation between mass activity and pulse rate was positive with a correlation coefficient of 0.47. Also, a negative correlation was observed between livability to dead ratio and volume with a coefficient of 0.49 while mass activity positively correlated with motility having a coefficient of determination of 0.89 indicating a strong positive relationship between these two variables. Mean egg production was not significantly affected (P > 0.05) between the wallowed and the nonwallowed geese. This suggests that wallowing and post wallowing time did not influence the egg production and the semen quality parameters of wallowed and non-wallowed geese except semen volume.
Ключови думи: egg production; geese semen quality; post wallowing; wallowing
Дата на публикуване: 2023-02-27
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