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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Kalinka Gurgulova, Teodora Georgieva, Tsetan Tsvetanov, Hristo Spasov, Petar Vachev
Резюме: Varroa mite termination is a very difficult and complex task and its implementation needs an integrated approach to prevention and control. Many veterinary medicinal products (VMP) are prohibited due to the creation of Varroa resistance or accumulation of residues in bee products. Products based on synthetic pyrethroids (Varostop and Varotom) have been used from long ago in Bulgaria. The product Ekostop contains essential oils and can be used in organic beekeeping. This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of VMP Varostop, Varotom and Ekostop in treatment against Varroa mites in honeybee colonies. The results show that VMP Varostop and Ekostop have a high effectiveness against Varroa - over 95%, respectively for Varostop - 98.17% and for Ekostop - 98.75%. The effectiveness of Varotom is lesser – 88.97%. There is a tendency for greater efficiency of Varostop and Ekostop compared to Varotom, but it is statistically unreliable (P> 0.05). Statistically reliable (P < 0.95) higher efficiency compared to the control group colonies have the three preparations: Varostop, Varotom and Ekostop. At this stage, by a combination of effective VMP can be achieved the reducing of Varroa to an extent which does not harm the bees and their brood.
Ключови думи: flumethrin; fluvalinat; peppermint oil.; synthetic pyrethroids; thymol; Varroa
Дата на публикуване: 2023-02-22
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