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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Precision beekeeping: essence and systems in the transfer of information in the manufacture
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
Резюме: One of the least intensified sectors of animal husbandry is beekeeping. This sector is closer to the
natural habitat of the bees. The human influence on Apis mellifera species is so minimized and does
not affect the biology or ethology of these productive insects. However, due to the great importance
and benefits of rearing these insects, they make this sector extremely important to be indifferent to
the development and implementation of the new information technologies. In our study we found that
although under pressure of external factors, the information technologies started gradually to increase
their influence and provide many solutions in four different directions (taking into account indicators
characterizing: climatic conditions of the region, the microclimate in the bee colony, changes in the
acoustic background, infrared image reading system and work condition of auxiliary equipment for
providing remote control of apiary).
Ключови думи: approaches; data transfer; digitization and architectural systems; precision beekeeping
Дата на публикуване: 2022-06-28
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