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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Study of the effects of Argus Ras, Thymo Varo San and Eco Varo San on bee families with Varroa Destructor
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
Резюме: A study was conducted on the effect of the preparations Argus Ras and Thymo Varo San and Eco Varo San for the treatment of bee families against varroatosis for two business seasons – 2018–2019. Groups: two experimental and one control group. At the beginning of the study, the groups were aligned by the amount of bees, food and pollen. In order to reduce genetic variation in families, queen bees are sisters of the gray native bee (Apis mellifera macedonica). The preparations used are based on essential oils, and the preparation Argus Ras is composed of alcohol extracts of ethno-oleaginous plants (Sofora flavescens, Gladitchija chinensis L, Ginko biloba, Teucriumchamedris L), vitamin Bcomplex,
glucose, amino acids, ethanol, acids, with the extract soaked in cardboard strips applied to the frames. Thymo Varo San and Eco Varo San preparations are in the form of pressed granules containing Thymus vulgaris extract, biomass, lavender, conifer needles, which are put into a special mini smoker and ignited in advance and after smoke is generated, bee colonies are suppressed. The amount of smoke per family is about 30 jets of smoke from the mini-smoker. The count of mites in the application of Argus Ras is made 40 days after the initial treatment. For Thymo Varo San and Eco Varo San, the first reading is 5 days after swelling. A second swab is then made and the mites are reported immediately the next day. Before and after the study, initial and final infections were detected. Statistical processing of the results was performed with the JMP v.7 software package. To evaluate the effect of the type of drug over time (first and second treatments) when applied, one-way ANOVA was used and, if there was a reliable effect, the differences between the groups (group Argus Ras treated and group ThymoVaro San treated group II, Eco Varo San) were evaluated with Tukey test (P < 0.05). The differences in the prevalence of bee families between the two business seasons 2018–2019 in the administration of the different medicines were assessed by t-test.
Ключови думи: Key words: infestation initial, infestation extreme, bee families, varroatosi
Дата на публикуване: 2020-06-06
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