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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Effect of Supplementation of Mycrobial Phytase on the Transport of Amino Acids and Glucose in isolated Enterocytes from the Small Intestine of Broiler Chickens Fed Corn-Soybean and Corn-Wheat-Soybean Meals
Dimiter Chotinsky, Yanko Profirov, Ema Toncheva, Atanaska Doncheva, Emilia Stancheva, Christo Stanchev
Резюме: Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of phytates and supplementation of phytase in corn-soybean meal and corn-wheat-soybean meal on transport of L-methionine, L-tryptophanе, 14C-glycine and D-glucose in isolated enterocytes from the small intestine.
In experiment one involved a normal P level in corn-soybean meal and a low P diets plus phytase (0, 250, 700 PU / kg) diet.
A second experiment was conducted with a normal P level in corn-wheat-soybean meal and a low P diet plus phytase (0, 250 PU / kg) diet.
The accumulation of glucose in the isolated enterocytes decreased and of methionine and tryptophane increased not significantly when broiler chickens consume a meal with a low P diet plus 250 PU / kg phytase.
The transport of methionine and tryptophane decreased when the level of phytase increased to 700 PU / kg diet and of glucose increased not signifycantly to the transport of glucose of the control group.
The transport of methionine, tryptophane and glucose increased not significantly when broiler chickens eat a corn-wheat-soybean meal plus 250 PU / kg diet.
The transport of 14C glycine in the isolated enterocytes not change significantly in two experiments.
Ключови думи: enterocytes, transport, amino acids, glucose, phytase, broiler chikens
Дата на публикуване: 2019-12-04
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