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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Management of the construction waste in reconstruction of a cattle-breeding building
Vanya Dimova, Dimitar Georgiev, Slavina Petkova
Резюме: The purpose of the study was to make a forecast for the management of the construction waste, generated by the reconstruction and technological modernization of an existing dairy cow building. An option for free rearing of 94 cows in individual cubicles was developed, suitable for modernization of the technological processes in an existing building for a tied up rearing of 73 cows. The quantities of different construction waste were determined during the reconstruction and a forecast sheet was prepared for their management. It was been established that there were 61.2% (113.6 m3) “not dangerous” and 38.8% (72.0 m3) “dangerous” wastes, classified as such according to the ordinances. Some “dangerous” wastes are suitable for re-use under the conditions of a cattle-breeding farm (an object of unpleasant gas separation). These are: concrete for reinforced concrete flooring – 29.5 t (utilization 100%); concrete from feed manger – 37.5 t (utilization 100%); floor bricks – 10.0 t (utilization 50%); profile steel – 2.4 t (utilization 90%). According to the forecast for the construction waste generated during the reconstruction of the building, the degree of their physical utilization is 66.5% – by 11.5% higher than the normative requirement for the period 2017–2018 (55%).
Ключови думи: construction waste; dairy free-stall; management; reconstruction and technological modernization; tie-stall
Дата на публикуване: 2018-10-04
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