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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Hristo Sabkov
Резюме: The research “Scientific chronicle on the Mechanization of Animal Husbandry in Bulgaria (for the period 1952–2012)” is dedicated to “Animal Husbandry Mechanization” scientific department of the former Research Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture in Sofia. It represents a brief historical retrospection and in chronological order is following the main accents in the 60-year history of the department. The first part of the study, named “Prerequisites for the establishment and validation of the scientific area of Animal Husbandry Mechanization in Bulgaria”, was published in issue 2/2017 of the Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry. The current publication represents the 2-d part to the study. In the publication is covering the activity of the department during last two stages of its existence and respectively represents the periods 1975–1989 and 1989–2012.They are presented the structure and the functions of the three subdivisions of the unit as well as the principle of
profiling the scientists and main accents in the scientific and methodological development of the section, for reaching to the position of chief coordinator and consultant of the integration processes in the system of mechanization of animal husbandry in Bulgaria. The development of the scientific themes and the most important technical and technological developments of the unit as well as the process of the academic development of the scientific staff are traced. Also they are presented some results of the national and international scientific cooperation of the section. Attention is also paid to the impact of the reverse transition from central-planned to capitalist economics in the Animal Husbandry sector and the subsequent transformations in the structure and activities of the department for the period from 1989 until its closure in 2012.
Ключови думи: Animal husbandry; Animal husbandry machinery and technologies; Animal husbandry mechanization; Animal husbandry mechanization department; Research Institute for Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture in Sofia
Дата на публикуване: 2018-05-29
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