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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Ecological study of H2S emissions in two types of industrial buildings for cows
Кrassimir Кrastev, Ivan Yanchev
Резюме: Two types of buildings are investigated. One of them is a monolithic building of 100 cows, arranged in two rows of 50. Crib is against each other with nutritional path between them. There is natural ventilation and manure cleaning is done by plank-chain conveyor. Another is a panel building for 200 cows located in 4 rows of 50. Inside there is a mechanical ventilation by installed axial fans on the two longitudinal walls. Cleaning of the fertilizer is done by water and excrement collected in the channel beneath grate beds of cows. Highest concentration of H2S is measured in summer. Its average value is 9 mg/m3 in the panel building. In winter concentration of H2S emission is the 3-5 mg/m3. Its average value is none in the monolithic building but in the panel building is 4 mg/m3. The concentration of H2S is highest at 5. The data shows that the established content of H2S emission in both types of buildings is at lower levels of zoo-hygiene norms (10 mg/m3).
Ключови думи: cows; H2S emissions; monolithic buildings; panel buildings
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-09
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