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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Changes in composition and enzyme digestibility in temporary and natural grasslands
Ina Stoycheva, Yordanka Naydenova, Atanas Kirilov, Aneliya Katova
Резюме: The purpose of study is establishment and comparison of the changes in chemical composition,
plant cell walls fiber components and enzyme digestibility of the forage from first growth of temporary and natural grasslands. In the period 2013–2015, in April, in the vegetation of first pasture growth during four 7 day week intervals, the changes in chemical composition and enzyme digestibility of pasture swards are studied. It is established that the changes are more dynamic in temporary grassland in comparison with those of natural. The crude protein content of temporary grassland decrease mean in the three years by 32.4% but crude fiber content increase by 85%, while in natural grassland the decreasing of CP is meanly by 22.8% and increasing of CF by 59,8%. In each one percent unit increasing of CF, CP decrease by 0.65 and by 0.40 percent units for temporary and natural grasslands, respectively. In the temporary grassland NDF content increase by 36%, ADF by 52% and ADL by 99% while in natural grassland increasing is by 30.6%, 31.7% and 92.3%, respectively. Enzyme digestibility decreasing is two times more dynamic in temporary in comparison with the decreasing temp in natural grassland. The digestibility in temporary grassland decrease by 1.01, 0.537 and 1.234 percent units and in natural grasslands by 0.956, 0.294 and 1.041 percent units respectively for each increasing by 1%-units in CF, NDF and ADF content. The CP content increasing by 1%-unit lead to increasing of forage dry matter digestibility by 1.443 percent units in temporary grassland and by 1.039 percent units in natural one.
Ключови думи: chemical composition; digestibility; fiber; grasslands; protein
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-09
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