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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Example scheme for antibacterial therapy and methaphylaxis of colibacilosis in swine industry
Albena Dimitrova, Simeon Yordanov, Krasimira Petkova, Tanya Savova, Ralitza Bankova, Snejana Ivanova
Резюме: Based on literature dates, personal experience and the results of a major survey on the prevalence
and sensitivity of the intestinal E. coli strains (EPEC, ETEC and EHEC), isolated from pigs in the period from 2012 to 2014, it is developed a “Example scheme for antibacterial therapy and metaphylaxis of colibacillosis in the intensive pig production”. In section “Therapy” are included a group of measures and guidelines on: collection of material for bacteriological examination; testing of isolated and typified E. coli strains for susceptibility to antibacterial means; therapeutic treatment with a limited number of the shown means; provision of strategic antibiotic; choice of means, form and way of use in various forms of colibacilosis; use of broadspectrum and strategic means in the case of co-infection and associated infection; treatment of contact pigs. In section “Metaphylaxis” are provided measures in different cases, such as: stationary outbreaks for colienterites or colienterit and edema disease; in the cases of co- and associated infections with viral or viral and bacterial diseases; combined method of therapeutic + metaphylactic course with antibiotic-premixes for different categories pigs and sows and preventative courses with probiotics or biologically active substances of plant origin in various combinations and schemes.
Ключови думи: antibacterial therapy; colibacillosis; metaphylaxis; pigs; schemes
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-09
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