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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Clinical signs and pathomorphological chainges in pigs affected from swine dysentery
Albena Dimitrova, Reneta Petrova, Simeon Yordanov, Krasimira Petkova, Dimitar Tanev
Резюме: Swine dysentery is a primary disease caused by Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, occurring alone or as
a co-infection, which difficult the diagnosis and make therapy and metaphylaxis ineffective. During
the period 2013–2015, were established following major clinical signs: in peracute form – the disease has no specific events, only single dead pigs; - the acute form – initially with diarrhea with melting feces, and after 1–2 days diarrhea was mucus, blood and had a dark to chocolate color, there were lack of appetite, thirst and sinking of the hips; in subacute form – diarrhea for more than a week with a decreased appetite and weight loss; in chronic form – watery diarrhea with necrotic plaque, weight loss and dehydration. Gross lesions in dysentery are localized in the large intestine. At the beginning of the disease in the colon and cecum were observed congestion and hemorrhage. The intestinal content is mixed with mucus and blood. In a later stage the mucosal surface is covered with exudate and debris deposits. Mesenteric lymph nodes are oedematous and haemorrhagic. Histopathological changes are characterized by thickening of the mucosa and submucosa due to engorgement of the blood vessels, edema and leukocyte infiltration. The observed elongation and hyperhromic of epithelial cells in the base of the crypts and hyperplasia of Goblet cells. In the crypts and mucosal surface of the intestine is established deposition of fibrin, mucus and cellular debris. In more later stages, the enterocytes in the crypts are desintegrated and in the process of necrosis. In the final stage we found extensive coagulation necrosis in places, covered almost the entire layer of lamina propria.
Ключови думи: clinical signs; dysentery; gross- and histopathological lesions; pigs
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-09
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