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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Assessment of the live weight and wool productivity of the Karnobat Fine Fleece sheep breed
Margarit Ilievorcid, Genoveva Staykovaorcid, Todor Tsonev
Резюме: In order to evaluate the levels of some main productive traits in sheep of the Karnobat Fine Fleece breed, raised in the flock of the Institute of Agriculture - Karnobat, a study was conducted for the live weight and wool productivity of animals born in the period 2013 - 2019. Some main productive traits of 316 sheep were controlled: live weight from weaning to 4.5 years of age, wool yield and staple length up to 4.5 years of age, clean wool yield and clean fiber at 1.5 and 2.5 years. It was established that the sheep of the Karnobat Fine Fleece breed at 2.5 years weigh an average of 59,090 kg live weight and give an average of 6,540 kg of wool with an average staple length of 11.43 cm, an average clean wool yield of 64.42 % and clean fiber – 4,220. The levels of all studied productive traits depended on environmental factors and the year of birth had a significant effect. Linear affiliation gave a significant effect on wool yield and the amount of clean fiber obtained by sheep at 2.5 years. The results obtained for the wool productivity traits are higher than the breed standards and show a good evenness in the flock and by ages. Live weight data are within the norm and confirm the early sexual maturity of the Karnobat fine fleece sheep breed.
Ключови думи: clean fiber; clean wool yield; Karnobat Fine Fleece sheep breed; live weight; staple length; wool yield
Цитиране: Iliev, M., Staykova, G. & Tsonev, T. (2024). Assessment of the live weight and wool productivity of the Karnobat Fine Fleece sheep breed. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 61(1), 3-10 (Bg).
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Дата на публикуване: 2024-02-26
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