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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Lyubomir Lashev, Radoslav Mihailov, Valentina Lasheva
Резюме: In the present paper are presented results from standard hematological studies on clinically healthy adult male and female peacocks. Studied were 36 adult peacock (Pavo cristatus) of both sexes (17 females and 19 males) reared in aviaries at different farms as smal groups of 3 to 9 birds. Mean values of the investigated parameters are as follows: red blood cells - 3.48±0.35 1012/l, hemoglobin - 10.81±1.35 g/l, white blood cells - 30.52±3.07 109/l, lymphocytes - 47.5±3.07%, heterophils - 46.7±3.05%, eosinophils - 3.44±0.35%, monocytes - 0.5±0.5%, basophils - 1.21±0.2%. They are different from the published for wild peacocks, reared in India and close to the found for pheasants and various breeds of domestic fowl. The hemoglobin values are lower but total number of white blood cells is significantly higher, compared to the reported for wild peacocks in India. The ratios of the different classes are similar. In the values of the hematological parameters studied no gender related differences were found. Standard blood values of peacocks reared in aviaries in the climate of Bulgaria are close to the values typical of other species of Phasianidae. There are no clear gender differences.
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Дата на публикуване: 2023-03-09
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