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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Miroslav Simeonov, Nkolay Todorov, Atanas Kirilov, Ina Stoicheva
Резюме: The objectives of this experiment are to test four different methods of weaning lambs at the age of 19 days as well as to compare the growth of early weaned lambs with the growth of lambs weaned according to the traditional method at the age of 60 days. The experiment was conducted using 44 lambs of the Blackhead Pleven Sheep breed. The lambs began to be partially deprived of milk at the age of 13.5 days and at minimum live weight of 6.240 kg. Under the conditions of this experiment the lambs were weaned successfully at the age of 18.5 days and at average live weight of 9.815 kg. At the aforementioned age they were observed to eat dry food, to drink water and to ruminate. Additionally was control development of 14 lambs from production flock, which are equal with early weaned lambs by age weight at birth, but weaned at age of 60 days.
During the period of partial deprivation of milk the lambs, which were allowed to suckle for 10-15 minutes in increasing intervals (12, 24, 36 and 48 hours) showed lower average daily weight gain (71 g/day) compared with lambs that were separated from their mothers for 8 up to 12 hours every day or every night (P<0.05). The decrease in weight gain during the five day period of partial deprivation of milk was approximately proportionate to the amount of milk from which the lambs were deprived. Stress after weaning was higher in lambs, which were separated from their mothers during the day and in lambs, which were suddenly weaned (decrease in live weight during the first two days with 265 and 216 g/day) and lower in lambs that were allowed to suckle in increasing intervals and in lambs separated from their mothers during the night (decrease in live weight with 125 and 98 g/day). Lambs weaned at the age of 19-20 and at average live weight of 9.815 kg, developed normally and reached satisfactory weight gain after experiencing a short period of decrease in body weight (2-4 days). Lambs, which were suddenly weaned at the age of 19 days, experienced a decrease in live weight for a longer period (4 days) compared with lambs, which were allowed to suckle for 10-15 minutes in increasing intervals for 5 days and with lambs which were separated from their mothers every night and allowed to suckle in the morning, after their mothers had been milked. (2 days) The applying of early weaning at the age of 19-20 days and at average live weight of 9.815 kg, instead of the traditional method of weaning, increases the yield of milk from a ewe with 47.3 kilograms.
Ключови думи: ewe; lambs; live weight; methods for early weaning; milk yield; traditional weaning
Дата на публикуване: 2023-03-08
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