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Determining the amount of capped honey in honeycombs with AutoCAD program
Svilen Lazarov, Galina Dineva
Abstract: The study was conducted with bee colonies from the local honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) at the
Training and Experimental Base of the Beekeeping Section at the Agriculture Faculty of the Thrakia
University, Bulgaria. The surface of capped honey was determined for 58 honeycombs. An established
method in beekeeping with a measuring frame (squares 5/5 cm) was used and a comparative analysis
of the data obtained when measuring the specified indicator with AutoCAD program was performed.
A method has been established for accurate determination of the surface of capped honey in
honeycombs using the AutoCAD program. The difference between the average value of the capped
honey surface measured by the approved method with a measuring frame and using the program
AutoCAD is 5.73%.
Keywords: AutoCAD; capped honey; honey bees
Date published: 2022-02-25
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