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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Analysis of genetic diversity of eight improved Nigerian Indigenous Chickens population using Insulin growth factor-1 GENE
Shola Rasheed Amao, Tosin Ademola Adedeji, Lamidi Oladejo Ojedapo, Mathew Wheto
Abstract: The genetic improvement of Nigerian Indigenous Chickens (NIC) globally can be attained by selection
and crossbreeding. The production performance characteristics of improved chickens can be
further assessed through the use of molecular markers or candidate gene. The Insulin-like Growth
Factor-1 (IGF-1) gene polymorphism is a candidate gene of interest useful in predicting productive
performance characteristics in the animal genetic scheme. Therefore, purpose of this study was to assess
the genetic variation and establish the relationship amongst eight improved Nigerian indigenous
chickens using insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Genomic was extracted from 76 DNA samples
from eight improved NIC (SIFE = Straight Improved Fulani ecotype, SIFF = Straight Improved Frizzle
feather, SINF = Straight Improved Normal feather, SINN = Straight Improved Naked neck, RIFE
= Reciprocal Improved Fulani Ecotype, RIFF = Reciprocal Improved frizzle feather, RINF = Reciprocal
Improved Normal feather, RINN = Reciprocal Improved Naked neck), PCR was conducted
using the primer as designed by Nagaraja et al., 2000, the PCR amplicons were digested with Pst1
restriction enzymes and fragment were run on 1% agarose gel. The resulting fragments were viewed
under UV light and genotyped. All the loci analyzed in IGF-1 showed a polymorphic pattern and total
of 2 alleles were observed and the number of alleles per locus was 2.00 with the average observed and
expected heterozygosity values of 0.538 and 0.466 respectively. The relative magnitude of gene differentiation
(FST) was 0.336 and was significant between the genotypes while the negative FIT (-0.153)
values obtained for all the loci. Dendogram Based Nei’s genetic distance exhibited closeness between
RINN and RIFE, SIFE and RINF while the widest distance was between SINN and SINF genotypes.
The study revealed the existence of moderate genetic diversity in chicken populations studied and
also showed that the IGF-1 used were highly informative and can be used in future studies involving
chicken populations.
Keywords: alleles, IGF-1; Dendogram; Genetic Diversity; heterozygosity; Improved Nigerian indigenous chickens
Date published: 2021-10-27
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