Bibliometric analysis of Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry from 1964 to 2023
Kristina Kostadinova
, Estel Dimitrova
, Zhivko Duchev
, Boryana Kozareva
Abstract: The aim of this study is to provide a bibliometric analysis of “Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry” for a period of sixty years (from the first issue, published on 1964, to the last one of year 2023). The data collected from the titles of each article, authors, their nationality and institutional affiliation, represent the development of the animal science and scientific periodical in Bulgaria. It also reflects historical and political changes, which are clearly reflected in the analyzed data set.
Keywords: animal sciences; bibliometric analysis; publishing activity
Citation: Kostadinova, K., Dimitrova, E., Duchev, Zh. & Kozareva, B. (2024). Bibliometric analysis of “Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry” from 1964 to 2023. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 61(6), 51-58 (Bg).
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| Date published: 2024-12-16
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