The Il de France breed in Moldova manifestation of main productive traits
Evgeniya Achkakanova
, Petr Lyutskanov, Oleg Mashner
Abstract: The aim of the study is to analyze the manifestation of the main selection traits of Ile de France sheep, introduced for the first time in 2023, in the Republic of Moldova. The object of the study is 180 female animals and their offspring, raised on two farms in the geographical and economic conditions of Moldova. The manifestation of the main selection traits at the first birth of the ewes was monitored - live weight and average daily gain of lambs, fertility and fecundity of the ewes. The growth intensity of the lambs was analyzed in two age periods.
As a result of the study, it can be concluded that Ile de France sheep breed adapt well to the geographical and economic conditions in the Republic of Moldova, maintain excellent physiological status and realize their potential for high productivity. The monitored animals have an excellent expression of two of the main productive traits – live weight and average daily gain. The established average daily gain of lambs in the period from birth to 30 days is from 250 to 280 g/day for singletons; from 210 to 220 g/day for twins and from 170 to 180 g/day for triplets and more born lambs. The results obtained are below the average for the population in Bulgaria. The results for the average daily gain in the next age category – from 30 to 70 days of age, respectively, 295 to 305 g/day for singletons; from 301 to 309 g/day for twins and from 288 to 315 g/day for triplets and more lambs. The average fertility of ewes at first birth is 1.5 lambs per ewe, and the fertility rate for a total of 180 ewes is 91%.
Keywords: average daily gain; fecundity; fertility; Ile-de-France sheep; live weight
Citation: Achkakanova, E., Lyutskanov, P. & Mashner, O. (2024). The Il de France breed in Moldova – manifestation of main productive traits. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 61(6), 14-22 (Bg).
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| Date published: 2024-12-16
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