Application of the system Clarc of energy distribution/protein transformation in dairy sheep farming - methodological setting and methods of calculation
Dimo Penkov, Milena Mihaylova, Gancho Ganchev
Abstract: The article proposes a methodology for introducing objective criteria for accounting for the net utilization of energy and protein (amino acids) along the chain "forage consumed by sheep/goats - obtained sheep/goat milk." Adapted for dairy sheep/goats are the calculations of the introduced criteria Clarc of energy distribution and Clarc of protein (amino acid) transformation.
The authors believe that the introduction of the methodology and the calculations based on it, will help to refine the scientific research in 3 aspects: selection, technological and ecological.
Keywords: Clarc of energy distribution; Clarc of protein transformation; dairy sheep farming
Citation: Penkov, D., Mihaylova, M. & Ganchev, G. (2024). Application of the system “Clarc of energy distribution/protein transformation” in dairy sheep farming - methodological setting and methods of calculation. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 61(6), 3-7 (Bg).
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| Date published: 2024-12-16
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