The efficacy of crossbreeding on reproductive and productive performance in New Zealand White and Flemish Giant rabbits
Lydia Masara, Fortune Jomane

, Sizo Moyo

, Jessica Pullen

, Reagan Mudziwapasi

, Chiedza Mgumba

, Samkeliso Moyo

, Tadaaki Tokunaga

, Alban Mugoti

Abstract: Crossbreeding is a well-established practice in livestock production aimed at improving reproductive and productive traits. This study evaluated the effects of crossbreeding on rabbits, focusing on comparisons between purebred Flemish Giant (n = 10), New Zealand White (n = 23), and their crossbred offspring (n = 27). Various parameters, including litter size, body weight, growth rate, and mortality, were assessed. The results demonstrated that crossbred rabbits presented a 15% faster growth rate than purebred rabbits, along with the lowest mortality rate and highest total meat output. This phenomenon, attributed to hybrid vigour, effectively blends the large frame of the Flemish Giant with the good litter size of the New Zealand White. Furthermore, statistical analyses, including ANOVA and Tukey‒Kramer’s honestly significant test, confirmed the significant effects of breed class on productivity, body weight, and carcass yield. Growth curves estimated using the Gompertz model highlighted the superior performance of crossbred rabbits under semiarid conditions. Notably, crossbreeding resulted in offspring with the highest dressing percentage and overall improved performance, offering potential advantages for rabbit producers worldwide.
Keywords: carcass weight; growth rate; hybrid vigour (heterosis); rabbit breeding; Semiarid region
Citation: Masara, L., Jomane, F., Moyo, S., Pullen, J., Mudziwapasi, R., Mgumba, C., Moyo, S., Tokunaga, T. & Mugoti, A. (2024). The efficacy of crossbreeding on reproductive and productive performance in New Zealand White and Flemish Giant rabbits. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 61(5), 18-24.
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| Date published: 2024-10-24
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