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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Strain effects on egg fertility and hatchability traits of Nigerian locally adapted and exotic chickens
Ojedapo Lamidi Oladejo, Ifanegan Oluwadamilare David, Oyetoro Blessing Abiola
Резюме: The research was conducted to evaluate the strain effects on egg fertility and hatchability traits of
egg produced by two Nigerian locally adapted and exotic chickens. Data were collected from Naked
neck, Frizzled feather, Isa brown and Marshall eggs produced from artificially inseminated of these
birds. Significant (P < 0.05) effects were observed between the egg fertility, hatchability and the genotypes.
Egg set (89.00), fertile eggs (83.50), hatchable eggs (64.50) and infertile eggs (5.50) were better
for Isa brown hen than other considered genotypes. Correlation coefficients exist between hatchability
and fertility (0.945) for Frizzle feather birds. Meanwhile, the Isa brown and Marshall birds
also showed a very highly positively significant (P < 0.001) relationship between egg set and fertility
(0.966), hatchability and fertility (0.922) for both strains respectively. It can be concluded that Isa
brown with its potential for good fertility and hatchability traits can be adopted by poultry farmers in
this area compared with other genotypes considered.
Ключови думи: fertility; frizzled feather; hatchability traits; Isa brown; Marshall; Naked neck
Дата на публикуване: 2022-04-26
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