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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Influence of Panamin Animal and Panamin Detox on milk production of dairy cows
Teodora Angelova, Daniela Yordanova, Jivko Krastanov, Daniela Miteva, Vladimir Karabashev, Georgi Kalaydzhiev
Резюме: The aim of the study was to evaluate the differences in milk yields, milk composition in three
groups of dairy cows receiving the dietary supplements Panamin Detox® and Panamin Animal®.
The present group production experiment was conducted in the experimental cattle farm of the
Agricultural Institute – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria with three groups (two experimental and one control)
each comprising 11 lactating dairy cows. The following parameters were monitored: daily milk yield
(kg), milk fat and protein contents (%). The analysis of milk quality was done on 436 milk samples
from cows.
Obtained phenotypes were corrected for main factors influencing test-day milk yield. The used
model considered each test day milk yield as independent observation and unbiased estimates of traits
were obtained by a linear mixed-effects model.
Data were processed with statistical software products Systat 13 and Pest /Groeneveld/, and graphs
were generated in MS Excel.
The supplementation of cows’ ration with dietary supplements Panamin Detox® and Panamin Animal
® had a statistically significant beneficial effect on milk yield (P < 0.001).
The lowest milk fat and protein values were determined in cows supplemented with Panamin Detox
– 3.98% and 3.32%, respectively.
The differences between milk fat and protein contents in the group supplemented with Panamin
Detox® and controls were significant (P < 0.001).
Ключови думи: milk composition; milk yields; Panamin Animal; Panamin Detox; zeolitе
Дата на публикуване: 2021-06-29
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