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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Effect of the inclusion of palm oil in the diet of female lambs
Tanya Ivanova
Резюме: The aim of the experiment was to study the effect of the inclusion of palm oil in the female lambs.
The trial was conducted with 20 Ile de France lambs, reared in the Experimental farm of the Institute
of Animal Science – Kostinbrod for a period of 30 days. The animals had equal live weight and
the same date of birth. They were divided in two groups: control (n = 10) and experimental (n = 10).
The lambs of the latter received palm oil in amount 150 g/animal/day, derived from the product Palm
Fat 85. The data was statistically analysed through Data Analysis, EXCEL, 2016 of Microsoft. The
dietary inclusion of palm oil did not affect the live weigh and the weight gain of the lambs. The traits
increased by 30 g and 0.3% respectively for the live weight and the average daily gain.
Ключови думи: live weight; palm oil; sheep feeding; weight gain Introduction
Дата на публикуване: 2021-02-26
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