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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Study on protein and amino acid requirements in different crossbreeds of swine
Katya Eneva
Резюме: Abstract: Hybrids and different breeds of swine have distinct capacity for productivity and therefore have different nutrient requirements to satisfy their needs. Contemporary swine breeds had high genetic potential for gain and deposition of more meat which made them sensitive to the lack of protein and amino acids. Determination of protein and amino acid requirements in recently created crossbreeds was an important factor contributing to the determination of their capacity for optimal gain and utilization of feed. When establishing the requirements for new origins, the defining factors in the feeding strategy included genotype, type of used feed, protein levels in rations providing a reduction of nitrogen pollution in the environment, protein nutrition, content of intramuscular fats in carcasses and meat quality.
Ключови думи: protein, requirements, swine, origins
Дата на публикуване: 2020-06-05
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