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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Changes in chemical composition, plant cell walls fiber components and in vitro enzyme digestibility in vegetation process of grazing pastures
Ina Stoycheva, Zornica Petkova, Viliana Vasileva, Zhelyazko Vulchinkov
Резюме: Pasture systems are usually based on sown and permanent pastures. Both types of pasture play a major role. The purpose of this study is to compare changes in chemical composition, plant cell walls fiber components and in vitro enzyme digestibility in vegetation process of first growth sown and permanent pastures. The objects of the study are grazing pastures at the Institute of Forage Crops – Pleven. Sown pasture was created in 2014 of equal quantities of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L) and sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa L) (50 : 50%). In 2018, from the middle of April to the beginning of May, samples were taken in 7 days for both types of pastures to determine changes in composition and in vitro digestibility of forage biomass. The dynamics of changes in basic chemical indicators is greater at sown pasture in comparison with natural pasture. The Crude protein (CP) content in sown pasture decreased by 40.70% on average, and the Crude fiber (CF) increased by 27.80%, while in natural grassland the decrease of CP was average 17.00% and the increase of CF was by 12.90%. The average rate of increase in the content of plant cell walls fiber components is higher in sown pasture. The content of neutral-detergent fiber (NDF) and acid-detergent fiber (ADF) increases by 22.70% and 27.0%, compared to 14.00% and 10.60% for natural pasture. The in vitro enzyme digestibility of the dry matter values decrease from 63.80% to 51.39%, or 19.5% on average in sown grassland, while in natural grassland it is faster, from 64.57% to 50.59% or on average with 21.60% for a 4-week period
Ключови думи: ADF; enzyme digestibility; NDF; pasture
Дата на публикуване: 2019-12-04
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