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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Effect of crude buck testicular extract on performance characteristics and testicular weights of cockerels
O. M. Alabi, I. A. Aleshinloye, M. O. Ayoola
Резюме: In view of the need to ensure continuous supply of animal protein for human consumption, cockerel production has been receiving encouragement of recent and any move to improve their growth rate to meet the production target is highly welcomed. Gonadal hormones are known to be growth enhancer in livestock production, but the use of synthetic products is on the decline globally, hence the need to exploit natural products with hormonal effect. An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of crude buck testicular extract (CBTE), on some performance characteristics of cockerels. Two hundred and seventy (270) 10 weeks old Harco cockerels were randomly allotted to three (3) groups and replicated thrice, each with thirty birds. The first group (Cx1) served as control with no exogenous hormone, (Cx2) was the group injected with crude testicular buck extract, while (Cx3) was the group injected with synthetic male gonadal hormone (testosterone propionate). The experiment lasted for seven (7) weeks during which data were collected on daily feed intake, total body weight gain, while FCR and feed efficiency were calculated. At 7th week of trial, six (6) birds were selected from each treatment group and slaughtered to access the testicles. Data collected were subjected to one-way analysis of variance. The results revealed that birds on Cx2 and Cx3 consumed more feed, improved weight gain significantly (p < 0.05) than Cx1 birds, and with better FCR and feed efficiency (p < 0.05). Cx2 birds had the highest value for testis weight in relative to body weight to as compared to other treatments. No mortality was recorded during the experiment. CBTE can therefore be used to enhance the growth rate of cockerels without negative effect on the health.
Ключови думи: Buck testicular extract; health; hormone; performance characteristics
Дата на публикуване: 2019-09-19
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