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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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European and national legislation of Bulgaria and Greece for the Safety and Quality of Animal Feed: A review
Zaprianka Shindarska, Savvina Savvidou, Nikolaos Kasandrinos, Georgi Popovavvidou, N. Kasandrinos, G. Popov
Резюме: Study of European and national legislation of Bulgaria and Greece related to “Food safety and animal feed” is held. The study included legislation regulating the presence of mycotoxins, alkaloids of plant origin, inorganic contaminants in foodstuffs and genetically modified plants used as feed, as well as regulations for their control.
Ключови думи: Bulgaria; European regulation; feed; Greece; HACCP system of control; quality; safety
Дата на публикуване: 2017-02-09
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