Queen bee egg-laying dynamics: evaluation of Roger-Delon and Warre hives
Tsvetan Tsvetanov

, Ralitsa Balkanska

Резюме: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the egg-laying dynamics of queen bees in Roger-Delon and Warre hives located in an apiary at an altitude of less than 1000 m. The study was conducted during the active season of 2023, in an apiary located at an altitude of 860 m in south-western Bulgaria, Pernik district. The bee colonies were balanced before the beginning of the experiment. Two groups of 6 colonies were formed from each Roger-Delon and Warre system. Sealed worker brood was measured until the appearance of constant nectar flow (April – June), and after the appearance of constant nectar flow (September – November). There is currently a need to examine and quantify the egg-laying dynamics of queens in new hive systems. Queen egg-laying activity is affected by a variety of seasonal, nutritional and social factors. According to the results obtained, the average sealed worker brood in Warre hives and Roger-Delon hives are 10484±1031 cm2 and 9564±1057 cm2 (mean±SD) respectively, for the whole period until appearance of constant nectar flow.
Ключови думи: egg-laying dynamics; Roger-Delon hive; sealed worker brood; Warre hive
Цитиране: Tsvetanov, Ts. & Balkanska, R. (2024). Queen bee egg-laying dynamics: evaluation of Roger-Delon and Warre hives. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 61(6), 30-34.
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-12-16
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