Comparative study of growth indicators of Super Harko hybrid chickens when replacing soybeans with high-protein sunflower meal
Zhelyaz Peev, Dimo Penkov
Резюме: In 6 repetitions of 2 consecutive years, an experiment with a total of 84 female chickens of the Super Harko hybrid was conducted. The birds were divided into 2 groups: control, fed biphasically (starter and grower) with compound feed prepared in a industrial plant and containing soybean meal as main protein source, and experimental, fed biphasically with feed prepared on the farm, containing as main protein component sunflower meal with 46 % protein in dry matter. The birds were raised under exactly the same conditions in aviaries and play yards. The following results were obtained: Average live weight at the end of the starter period (1-4 weeks): control - 0.562 ±0.09 kg, experimental - 0.585 ± 0.10 kg; at the end of the growing period (5-18 weeks- beginning of laying): control- 3.124±0.29kg, experimental- 3.162±0.32 kg.Average consumption of feed for 1 bird per period: starter: control - 0.868±0.105kg, experimental - 0,869±0,098kg; at the end of grower (5-18 weeks - beginning of laying): control - 8.463±0.240kg, experimental - 8.736±0.194kg. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups, both in terms of growth by week and period, and in terms of feed consumption. A savings of funds (in BGN) was reported for the experimental group of 10% in both sub-periods compared to the control (purchased feed).
Ключови думи: high-protein sunflower meal; soybean meal; Super Harko hybrid
Цитиране: Peev, Zh. & Penkov, D. (2024). Comparative study of growth indicators of Super Harko hybrid chickens when replacing soybeans with high-protein sunflower meal. Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, 61(3), 3-11 (Bg).
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| Дата на публикуване: 2024-06-30
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