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Bulgarian Jurnal of Animal Husbandry   ISSN 0514-7441
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Economic efficiency of raising Ile de France sheep at one insemination per year
Evgenia Achkakanova, Tsvetana Harizanova
Резюме: The purpose of the study is to analyze the economic efficiency of raising sheep of the Ile de France breed with one insemination per year. The economic efficiency is determined on the basis of an investment project for establishment of a farm with 250 ewes of the Ile de France breed at one insemination per year. All categories of animals are expected to be fed entirely with purchased feed.
Revenues and costs, requiredfeed and number of workersin the sheep farm are expertly determined. The prices of material costs and production are current as of July, 2022. The sheep farm will be specialized in the production of male and female breeding animals and of heavy - meat lambs of the Ile de France breed.
It was found that with the parameters set in the analysis, raising 250 ewes of the Ile de France breed at one insemination per yeariseconomicallyeffective. Profitability on the basis of revenues is 39%, and profitability on the basis of activity costsis 64%. Eachmother sheep generatesanaverageprofit of BGN 406 peryear, includingstateaidfor the correspondingcategory of sheep. The largestshare of the activity costs is occupied by those for fodder (55,6%), and of the revenues, the largest is the share of the sale of breeding animals (39,2%).
Ключови думи: costs; economic efficiency; Ile de France breed; revenues
Дата на публикуване: 2023-06-28
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